On the road with the Berlin FamilyPass
On the road with the Berliner FamilienPass
© pexels/Brett Sayles
On the road with the Berlin FamilyPass
On the road with the Berliner FamilienPass
© pexels/Brett Sayles

Berliner FamilienPass






sales points






sales points

EXTRA offers for families with low income

Ecertainly for families with demonstrably low incomes and for single parents, the JugendKulturService offers EXTRA offers in the Berliner FamilienPass. The families can take advantage of additional - particularly inexpensive or free - offers.

EXTRA offers 2023 at a glance

  • Concert tickets at half price: Family concerts from the concert program of the JugendKulturService are available at half price. Order in the Online-Shop of the JugendKulturService - prior presentation of the valid Familienpocket book card at the JugendKulturService required.
  • Weekend trip with seminar with SHIA e.V. in September - only for single parents (certain price, Familienpocket book page 141, register directly with SHIA), Weekend trip to Müritz National Park from June 16 to 18, 2023 - forsingle parents only (regardless of income).
  • Free three-week swimming course for beginners from 5 to 10 years (Seahorse). Application for the draw at www.bfp-berlin.feripro.de by March 15 (see page 190). Participant:s will be drawn by lot.
  • Free short trips: Short trip "A long weekend at the seaside" (May 27 to 30), short trip "A weekend in the Müritz National Park" (June 09 to 11), short trip "Pure nature in the Schorfheide" (July 07 to 09), short trip "A long weekend on Usedom" (September 30 to October 03), . The participants of these group trips are drawn by lot. Information and registration for the raffle at www.bfp-berlin.feripro.de.
Berlin FamilyPass 2021
Berliner FamilienPass 2021

requirement for the use of the EXTRA offers for families with low income

In order to use the offers, you must register with the JugendKulturService. For this we need the following documents:

  • Identity card or pocket bookport
  • your proof of eligibility, formerly berlinpocket book, or corresponding individual certificates, such as the certificate for the child benefit supplement (according to § 6a BKGG - Bundeskindergeldgesetz).

You can then use your Berliner FamilienPass to take advantage of the extra offers until the end of the year.

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