With the Super Holiday Pass on climbing tour
With the Super-Ferien-pocket book on climbing tour
© JugendKulturService
With the Super Holiday Pass on climbing tour
With the Super-Ferien-pocket book on climbing tour
© JugendKulturService

Super-Ferien-pocket book


Participation package



sales points


Participation package



sales points

Terms of use and instructions for the Super-Ferien-pocket book

The following applies to all savings and prize draws in the Super-Ferien-pocket book:

All information in the Super-Ferien-pocket book has been compiled to the best of our knowledge and carefully checked. Nevertheless, possible errors or subsequent changes cannot be ruled out. No liability can therefore be accepted for the accuracy and completeness of the information. The stated admission prices and discounts are subject to possible price changes. The (temporary) discontinuation of offers (e.g. due to construction work) is also possible. Legal recourse is excluded.

The savings are generally valid on all (holidays) days listed on the Badekarte in the middle of the pocket book (summer holidayss 2024 to Easter holidayss 2025 inclusive) and are only valid for you as the holder of the Super-Ferien-pocket book. This is certainly marked for other validity periods.

The Super-Ferien-pocket book is valid for all Berlin children and young people up to and including the age of 18. The pocket book is individual, i.e. it is only valid and usable for the one person who is entered in the middle of the pocket book on the Badekarte. Please note that your glued-in pocket bookport photo is a requirement for using the pocket book. The field for the "issuing office" must also be filled with a stamp or imprint.

With your signature and, if needed, the signature of a legal guardian, the accuracy and completeness of the individual details on the bathing pocket book are confirmed and at the same time these terms of use are recognized as binding. Otherwise, the terms and conditions of the respective facility apply.

The use of all savings contained in the pocket book and participation in prize draws is at the user's own risk. We are not liable for individual injury or damage to property during events, trips, etc.

All offers are gender-neutral, unless a specific group of people is explicitly indicated (e.g. "for girls only").

savings - Super-Preise

The Super-Ferien-pocket book offers you individually usable discounts on entrance fees, course fees and much more (so-called Super-Preise). To take advantage of all price benefits, the individual Super-Ferien-pocket book must always be taken along for legitimation and presented at the entrance / at the cash desk without being asked.

  • Scissors: Visit places and facilities once for free or at a discount: To do this, you must cut out the corresponding box with the logo and hand it in at the cash desk.
  • Without scissors: Visit places and facilities several times for free or at a discount: To do this, you must show the corresponding page at the cash desk.
  • "Freistempel" box: If "Freistempel" box are printed, the offer is valid according to this number. One field is validated per use.

prize draws - free events exclusively for Super-Ferien-pocket book holders

We carry out all prize draws with the help of the 'feripro' software(www.sfp-berlin.feripro.de). Registration for prize draws is only possible online (internet access & valid e-mail address required). You can use the Internet free of charge in many libraries, for example. We have linked instructions for registration on the 'feripro' homepage. You will find your individual code for registration on the fold-out Badekarte in the middle of the pocket book.

The raffle offers always take place without parents/guardians and are supervised by us (see team on p. 8-9). Places are drawn by lot, participation is not guaranteed. Participation is free of charge and usually only applies to you.

If you have any problems, please contact us: we will be happy to help you and find a solution together (contact details: see bottom of website).

Participation in the prize draws is only possible with acceptance of the privacy policy. This can be found at: www.sfp-berlin.feripro.de/datenschutz. The places for all events will be drawn by lot.

Participation in the raffled events is only possible with the written consent of the parents and acceptance of the conditions of participation.

[Please note: If this declaration is not signed or not brought to the event at all, we will have to refuse participation].

Please always register at www.sfp-berlin.feripro.de by the registration deadline stated there. After this date, these prize draws will no longer be available.

Data protection notice when contacting us:
If you contact us by telephone, e-mail or fax, we must store and process your request, including all individual data (name, request, contact details, etc.), in order to be able to process your question or request. We do not pocket book on your data to others! You can find further details in our privacy policy at www.jugendkulturservice.de/de/datenschutz/

Super Holiday Pass 2024/25
Super-Ferien-pocket book 2024/25
© JugendKulturService


  • Please be sure to note the individual dates for the registration deadline for the holidays prize draws (summer holidayss 1st-3rd part, fall holidayss, Christmas holidayss, winter holidayss, Easter holidayss).
  • Not all prize draws will be released at the same time. For logistical purposes we have divided the summer holidayss into three parts. From the autumn holidayss onwards, the corresponding raffle will be opened up for registration approximately one month before the start of the respective holidays.
  • After the draw, each registered participant will receive an e-mail from us with the draw status. In case of an allocation, it is absolutely necessary to confirm the desired participation within a certain period of time via the confirmation button in the event pocket bookport. Otherwise we have to assume that there is no interest in participation after all. After the deadline for re-registration has pocket booked, registrations that have not been confirmed will be deleted and the places will be allocated to children and/or young people on the waiting list.
  • Tip: Your chance to "move up"
    If places become free, we will move them up and inform the winners afterwards. In case of last-minute cancellations (e.g. due to illness), however, last places may become available from time to time. Therefore, you can call the JugendKulturService three days before the respective event to inquire about possible free places, which will then be given to latecomers at short notice. The telephone number is: 030-23 55 62-0.

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