


  • Youth jury wanted for the IKARUS Theatre Award 2020

    The JugendKulturService is looking for young people between the ages of 12 and 18 to participate in the youth jury for the IKARUS 2020. The jury members will award the youth IKARUS at a festive awards ceremony at the ATZE MusikTheatre on November 13.
    Youth jury wanted for the IKARUS Theater Award 2020
  • Six productions nominated for the IKARUS 2020 Children's and Youth Theatre Prize

    The IKARUS jury thus sets an example for the important role of children's and youth Theatres in times of the pandemic.
    Six productions nominated for the IKARUS 2020 Children's and Youth Theater Prize
  • New Berliner FamilienPass offers many offers from ALBA to the zoo

    From January 1, the Berliner FamilienPass 2020 will be valid with more than 500 family-friendly offers for all Berlin families. The raffle holiday activities for January and February are already unlocked.
    New Berlin FamilyPass offers many offers from ALBA to the zoo
  • Dschabber and Distinguish yourselves! A parlor game win the Children's and Youth Theatre Prize IKARUS 2019!

    In front of an enthusiastic audience, the IKARUS award for outstanding Berlin Theatre productions for children and young people was presented yesterday evening at the Theatre an der Parkaue - Junges StaatsTheatre Berlin.
    Dschabber and Distinguish yourselves! A parlor game win the Children's and Youth Theater Prize IKARUS 2019!
  • The JugendKulturService is looking for young people between the ages of 12 and 17 to participate in the IKARUS- Youth Jury.

    For the IKARUS Youth Jury Award 2019, we are looking for young people between the ages of 12 and 17 who are enthusiastic about Theatre and want to contribute their perspectives and critical opinions on plays for audiences from 0.5 years old to young adulthood.
    The JugendKulturService is looking for young people between the ages of 12 and 17 to participate in the IKARUS- Youth Jury.

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