Puppet and Figure Theatre | Acting
Short portrait The ParkTheatre Edelbruch was founded in 2008 by the actress Kristin Giertler. As an open-air Theatre it appeared with "Titania's Revenge", a romantic-comic sequel to Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream", for the first time. What began under a starry sky and moonlight in the park quickly developed into a pocket bookion for putting a humorous spin on the classics. the classics in a humorous way. For children, the Theatre Edelbruch plays well-known fairy tales with its own text, singing, puppets and figures. puppet and figure play and the involvement of the young audience.
Direction Kristin Giertler
Founded in 2008
Age group children 3-9 years
Type Mobile Theatre in different venues
Plays in the visitor promotion All plays for children and young people of the Theatre
Contact www.parkTheatre-edelbruch.net