TANZKOMPLIZEN | Dance for Young Audiences

Dance Theatre

Short portrait "TANZKOMPLIZEN" is a venue in Berlin that exclusively and continuously shows dance for a young young audience. Professional choreographers and dancers develop dance productions dance productions are developed by professional choreographers and dancers. young people. Ecertainly in a world in which language dominates and movement plays a smaller role, the plays a minor role, the dancers' own physicality should be made conscious. The dancers' movements trigger associations and inner images. "TANZKOMPLIZEN" offers mediation opportunities for each piece, which combine looking, moving and reflecting, and reflecting in order to relate what is seen to the young audience's own reality of life. the reality of the young audience's own lives.

Artistic direction Livia Patrizi, Joachim Schlömer

Foundation 2017

Age group children 5-11 years | young adults

Type Theatre with fixed Venue at TanzZeit | Additional venue: SchillerTheatre workshop

Plays in the visitor promotion All plays for children and young people from "TANZKOMPLIZEN" / plays from guest performances that are in visitor promotion

Contact www.tanzkomplizen.de

TANZKOMPLIZEN "Florian Bilbao"
© Rene Löffler

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