
Logo | Tanztangente
Logo | Tanztangente

Dance Theatre

Short portrait Under the motto "bring different people move together", "TanzTangente" has been operating for 37 years in a variety of artistic, social and educational contexts. and initiates creative processes - interdisciplinary, intergenerative, intercultural and international, intercultural and international. is contemporary dance in all its diversity. The "TanzTangente" creates space for creative encounters, exchange, production, education and training and in cooperation with schools, prisons, museums, Theatres, opera houses and universities, opera houses and universities. For more than three decades, the "TanzTangente" has been coining has been coining terms such as "creative children's dance", "dance in schools" and "community dance".

Direction Daniela Grosset

Founded in 1981

Age group children 6-11 years | young adults

Type Theatre with fixed venue

Plays in the visitor promotion"Café Mundo ... on a Thunderstorm Night" / plays from guest performances, which are in the promotion of visitors

Contact www.tanztangente.de

© TanzTangente

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