Theatre Kranewit

Logo | Theater Kranewit
Logo | Theatre Kranewit

Puppet Theatre | Material and object Theatre | drama

Short portrait The "Theatre Kranewit" has predominantly old, unknown fairy tales in its repertoire and arouses great associations with simple means. The productions are children" up to 13 years of age without any problems and stimulate them and stimulate to contentwise as well as aesthetic arguments. In order to the stories, be it with figures, exclusively objects or masks, simple materials or masks, simple materials, found objects, wire, paper or wood are used. are used. Kranewit is an old word for juniper wood, which was used to ward off evil spirits and disease, and whose berries are eaten by cranes. eat.

Management Kristina Feix

Founded in 2003

Age group children 2-6 years | children 6-11 years | young adults

Type Theatre with own venue

Plays in the Visitor Promotion All plays for children and youth of the Theatre


Theater Kranewit "Hansel & Gretel"
Theatre Kranewit "Hansel & Gretel"
© Swen Sievert

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