Puppet and Figure Theatre | Material Theatre | Acting
Short portrait "Amai FigurenTheatre" is a mobile
Theatre with plays for children and adults. The plays are characterized by
by a vivid imagery, simplicity and clarity of aesthetic means.
means. The founder and leading actress Ulrike Kley studied puppet Theatre
at the "Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst" in Stuttgart.
Since her graduation in 2008 she has been working as a puppeteer and director.
director. Besides her studies of puppet Theatre she learned butoh dance in Germany and
Japan. Ulrike Kley is a trained Theatre therapist.
Direction Ulrike Kley
Founded in 2008
Age group Children 3-6 years | Children 6-11 years | Adolescents | Adults
Type Mobile Theatre in different venues
Plays in the visitor promotion All plays for children and young adults of the Theatre
Contact www.amai-figurenTheatre.de