Puppet and Puppet Theatre | Marionette Theatre
Short portrait The Theatre was founded by Michalis Kakouris from Cyprus. He
studied painting and stage design in Berlin. The visit of a
fascinated him so much that he learned the art of puppetry.
learned puppetry. The Theatre Aristo-funny performs in different
with artists of different artistic styles. In the
repertoire also includes themes from the world of Greek antiquity such as "Ulysses" or the
or the Cypriot folk tale "The Prince of Venice". The classical
puppet show is performed in an elaborate puppet stage. After the end
of the play, children are allowed to learn the secrets of puppetry.
Direction Michaelis Kakouris
Established in 1998
Age group Children 3-6 years | Children 6-11 years | Adolescents | Adults
Type Mobile Theatre in
different venues
Plays in the Visitor Promotion All plays for children and
young people of the Theatre
Contact www.aristo-funny.de