Bridge Markland

Puppet and Figure Theatre | acting | musical Theatre | physical Theatre

Short portrait Bridge Markland performs in her series "classic in the box" as a single player classical German plays as collages with popular music, e.g. Goethe's Faust, Schiller's Robbers, Büchner's Leonce + Lena and Hauptmann's Rats. It is a declaration of love for classical Theatre material and pop music. The series takes its name from the big box from which it draws its one-woman puppet full-playback shows. With great talent for transformation she plays all roles, sometimes as a human, sometimes as a doll. The shortened original lyrics, are interpreted as play-back and amplified with the appropriate pop music. These extraordinary adaptations of classical stage plays inspire Classical music lovers, classical music fans and pop music fans. They are ideal for to inspire pupils for classics.

Direction Bridge Markland

Founded in 1985

Age group youth 12-18 years | Adults

Type Mobile Theatre in various venues

Plays in the visitor's promotion All plays for children and young people of the Theatre


Bridge Markland "fist in the box"
Bridge Markland "fist in the box"
© Photograephin

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