Puppet and Figure Theatre | Acting
Short portrait The "Weite Theatre" stands for professional puppet- and acting on a high
high level. Almost every day plays are performed for children and on weekends for families.
but also young people and adults get their money's worth at evening events.
get their money's worth. New productions are staged every season.
stage. The Theatre is at home in puppetry, however, the spectrum is "wide"
- The decisive factor is the means by which a story can be conveyed.
can be transported. Music, show and puppetry should be connected and become equal actors.
actors. The repertoire is additionally enriched by guest performances
from the Berlin cultural scene as well as the partner Theatre "Theatre des Lachens" from
from Frankfurt/Oder. Several productions from the "Weiten Theatre" have been nominated for the
nominated for the IKARUS Theatre award.
Direction Martin Karl, Irene Winter, Christine Müller
Foundation 1992
Age group Children 2-6 years | Children 6-11 years | Adolescents | Adults
Type Theatre with fixed venue
Plays in the visitor promotion All plays for children and youths in the program
Contact www.das-weite-Theatre.de