The gorillas

Improvisational Theatre | Drama

Short portrait The children's and youth shows of the improvisation Theatre "The Gorillas" address are aimed at elementary and secondary school students. Depending on suggestions from the audience, different Theatre genres are improvised. The Theatre "The Gorillas" attaches great importance to adapting the course and content of the shows to the respective age group. to the respective age group and to actively involve the students in the improvisations. improvisations. For schoolchildren, certainly developed shows are offered to them to introduce them and their teachers to the art of improvisation on stage. stage art to them and to their teachers. The process orientation of this form of Theatre awakens a far-reaching understanding of Theatre in children and young people.

Management Leon Düvel, Harald Klenk, Christoph Jungmann

Founded in 1997

Age group children 6-11 years | young adults

Type Theatre with permanent venue at Ratibor Theatre

Plays in the visitor promotion All plays for children and youth of the Theatre


The Gorillas "Children Impro Show
The Gorillas "Children Impro Show
© Harald Klenk

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