Figure Theatre Ute Kahmann

Puppet and Figure Theatre | Acting

Short portrait Ute Kahmann from the "FigurenTheatre Ute Kahmann" works as a puppeteer and puppeteer, director, curator and certified systemic coach. Her repertoire of solo productions includes productions for children and adults. as well as for adults. In her productions there is a project-related collaboration with with artists from the visual arts and music. Ute Kahmann has participated in several collaborative and commissioned productions, among others for the Konzerthaus Berlin and the Jewish Museum Berlin. Guest performances have taken her to national and international festivals. She looks back on many years of board work in the Verband Deutscher PuppenTheatre e.V. (Association of German Puppet Theatres).

Management Ute Kahmann

Founded in 1988

Age group children 2-6 years | children 7-11 years | adults

TypeMobile Theatre in various venues

Plays in the visitor promotion All plays for children and young people of the Theatre


Figure Theater Ute Kahmann "The Pig Wedding" | Photo: Ute Kahmann
Figure Theatre Ute Kahmann "The Pig Wedding" | Photo: Ute Kahmann
© Marcus Lieberenz

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