Figure and object Theatre | Acting
Short portrait The "Flying Theatre" is a modern figure and object Theatre. Since 1978
the Theatre has been developing productions for children and adults. The desire,
to combine visual arts such as painting or sculpture with Theatre,
led to the figure Theatre "Flying Theatre". From the connection of
of acting, figure, object and material Theatre as well as film and overhead projections
overhead projections, scenic material is developed. The "Flying
plays regularly in its own venue, but also goes on tour and appears at national and
tours and performs at national and international festivals. From
several productions of the "Flying Theatre" have been nominated for the Berlin
IKARUS Theatre award. Of these, "Die Mondtücher" (The Moon Cloths) in 2002 and "Das
Cave Child" won the IKARUS Theatre prize in 2016.
Direction Rudolf Schmid
Foundation 1988
Age group Children 2-11 years | Adolescents | Adults
Type Theatre with fixed venue
Playsin the visitor promotion All plays for children and
youth of the Theatre / plays of guest performances, which are in
in the promotion of visitors