Drama | Music Theatre
Brief Portrait The "Heimathafen Neukölln" is
a multifaceted cultural space. Since its founding in 2009, the Heimathafen
offers a stage for concerts, drama, discourse and performances under the four pillars of
concerts, plays, discourse and performances. Away from the big houses of the
the city, the Heimathafen reflects the reality that surrounds it, e.g. in
the living conditions of young people in Berlin and ecertainly in Berlin-Neuköll
ecertainly in Berlin-Neukölln. For the IKARUS were "Arabboy - The short life
of Rachid A." in 2010 and "Arabqueen or the Other Life" in 2011.
were nominated. The production "Peng! Bang! Boateng!" won the IKARUS in 2017.
Director Nicole Hasenjäger
Foundation 2009
Age group youth 12-18 years | adults
Plays in the visitor promotion "Arabboy - The short life of
Rachid A." / "Arabqueen or the Other
Life" / " Bang!
Bang! Boateng!"
Contact www.heimathafen-neukoelln.de