Mary maid

Puppet and puppet Theatre | narrative Theatre | acting

Short portrait For all productions Maria Mägdefrau is the scenographer and also the player. The plays are are based on literary texts. The plot and the certain language of the texts - alternating with text improvisations - are preserved. Music and sounds are always live, and the audience often becomes participants. A a room with a black billboard and a scenic lighting design are very important to Maria Mägdefrau very important. Objects from everyday life and nature, figures or puppets are animated and introduced into the dramatic action. In all this there remains a lot of room for fantasy.

Direction Maria Mägdefrau

Foundation 1992

Age group Children 3-6 years | Children 6-11 years | Adolescents | Adults

Type Mobile Theatre in different venues

Plays in the visitor's promotion All plays for children and adolescents of the Theatre


Maria Handmaid's Wife "The Little Prince
Maria Handmaid's Wife "The Little Prince
© Ule Kamal Mägdefrau

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