
Drama | Musical Theatre | puppet Theatre

Short portrait "MORPHTheatre" is a children's and youth Theatre and youth Theatre, which combines and varies different genres in its productions. and varies. For each content, the appropriate form is sought. Thereby "morphing" the means of representation morph, i.e. they change depending on what is to be told. The question is always asked, which means are the right ones to evoke emotions, thoughts, questions and emotions, thoughts, questions and impulses for action. However, there is always a thread: music is the door opener to fantastic theatrical journeys. fantastic theatrical journeys - which is why it plays a central role in all productions. role in all productions. In cooperation with the puppeteer Nicole Gospodarek Nicole Gospodarek, the productions "The Time Thieves" and "Bruno and the Weihnachtsbaum" (Bruno and the Christmas Tree), winner of the Theatre award IKARUS 2015.

Direction Kai Schubert

Foundation Since 2012 regular performances for children and young people

Age group Children 2-6 years | Children 6-11 years | young adults

Type Mobile Theatre in various venues | From 2019 regular venue "Kulturpalast Wedding International

Plays in the visitor promotion "Das fliegende Fairy Tale Orchestra"


MORPHtheater "The Flying Fairy Tale Orchestra"
MORPHTheatre "The Flying Fairy Tale Orchestra"
© MORPHTheatre

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