Logo | Dolls etc.
Logo | Dolls etc.

Puppet Theatre | puppet Theatre | acting

Short portrait
In its productions for children, "puppen.etc" tells stories that inspire people to to think about relationships. The magic of puppetry is used to offer the little spectators to offer the little spectators characters with whom they can identify and thus and thus directly experience what they experience - emotional experiences, emotional learning is thus made possible. Theatre as a magical place is "puppen.etc" important! Simplicity, calmness and focus in an increasingly hectic world.

Direction Christine Klatt

Foundation 2000

Age group children 2-6 years | children 6-11 years

Type Mobile Theatre with different venues

Plays in the visitor promotion All plays for children and young people of the Theatre

Contact www.puppen-etc.de

dolls.etc "The king with the striped socks"
dolls.etc "The king with the striped socks"
© Martin Buchin

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