Puppet Theatre Felicio

Logo | Puppet Theater Felicio
Logo | Puppet Theatre Felicio

Puppet and marionette Theatre

Short portrait The "Puppet Theatre Felicio" offers entertainment, which is closely connected with the care of old, traditional art of puppetry. This includes a modern design and current, contemporary texts. According to the techniques used are hand puppets, rod puppets and marionettes. are used. New productions are developed with professional set designers, directors and musicians, directors and musicians. For adults, a musical puppet show is performed in the evening program. musical puppet Theatre is performed in the evening program.

Direction Karsten Ackermann

Founded in 1993

Age group children 2-6 years | children 6-11 years | adults

Type Theatre with fixed venue

Playsin the visitor's program All plays for children and young people of the Theatre / plays of guest performances, which are in visitor promotion

Contact www.felicio.de

Puppet Theater Felicio "Puppet Circus Piccoli e Grandi"
Puppet Theatre Felicio "Puppet Circus Piccoli e Grandi"
© PuppenTheatre Felicio

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