Puppet Theatre for children,
adults and families
Short portrait The repertoire of the "PuppenTheatre Parthier" ranges from the clown, who plays with paper-,
with paper-, cuddly- or hand puppets, over the play-along Theatre, the material Theatre
the table Theatre up to the puppet Theatre. In open play combines
Monika Parthier combines puppet Theatre with acting. Each production has its own
its own form of visual realization. Since 2008, the company has also performed for adults.
The program includes an operetta by Jacques Offenbach in a version for puppet Theatre.
version for puppet Theatre.
Director Monika Parthier
Founded in 1994
Age group Children 2-11
adults | families
Type Mobile Theatre in various venues
Plays in the visitor promotion All plays for children and
young people of the Theatre
Contact www.puppenTheatre-parthier.de