Rike Schuberty

Figure and Puppet Theatre | Acting

Short portrait Rike Schuberty brings together various artists from the fields of performing arts arts, music and video art, who create stage works as a collective, in which arts such as acting and music stand on an equal footing with puppetry and video art. or video art. It is always about exchange at eye level and the search for new ways of telling stories. By Rike Schuberty, "Rosa bockt" in 2014 and "Bremer Stadtmusikanten" 2018 were nominated for the Theatre award IKARUS.

Direction Rike Schuberty

Foundation 2002

Type Mobile Theatre in various venues

Age group Children 2-6 years | Children 6-11 years | young adults

Plays in the visitor promotion All plays for children and young people of the Theatre

Contact www.rike-schuberty.de

RikeSchubert "Mäuseken Wackelohr"
RikeSchubert "Mäuseken Wackelohr"
© Katharina Stillisch

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