Robert Metcalf

Music Theatre | Concerts for Children

Short portrait The outward distinguishing feature of the native Englishman Robert Metcalf is his bowler hat. Since 1973 he lives in Berlin and performs his own songs in German. For years his professional his professional focus has been on children's songs. After appearances on radio and television in the 1990s were increasingly followed by concerts in front of an audience. Robert Metcalf performs live with band, as a duo and as a soloist and plays on large and small stages, in Theatres and at open-air events. In his repertoire are programs adapted to the age group of children. Thematic programs correspond with day care and school lessons.

Management Robert Metcalf

Founded in 1990

Age group Children 2-6 years | Children 6-11 years | Adults

Plays in the Visitor Promotion All plays for children and young people of the Theatre


Robert Metcalf (left) "Teddy Bear Dances"
Robert Metcalf (left) "Teddy Bear Dances"
© Robert Metcalf

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