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Music Theatre | Concerts for children

Short portrait "Rumpelstil" gives concerts for children and families. The songs are musically crossover, challenging in content and live an experience! Thematic stage shows like "Die 1x1 Matheshow" and "Das Konzert der Lieblingsbücher", the musical revues and musical fairy tales are small highlights due to their wit and varied music are small highlights. The songs of "Rumpelstil" are demanding and entertaining. With their most famous show concept - The Flashlight Concert - "Rumpelstil" has been touring all over Germany since 2003. For years there has been the Taschenlampenkonzert in Berlin in the sold out forest stage.

Direction Jörn Brumme

Foundation 2001

Age group children 6-11 years | young adults | Adults

Type Mobile Theatre in different venues

Plays in the visitor promotion All plays for children and young people of the Theatre


Rumble style
Rumble style

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