Theatre of the small form

Puppet and puppet Theatre

Short portrait The "Theatre der kleinen Form" is a children's and family Theatre in Berlin-Friedrichshain. Themes of the productions include friendship, age differences, justice, love, family, exclusion, adventure, seasons, environment or nutrition. During the week, the Theatre plays mornings for daycare and school children. In the afternoon, for children from 3 years courses in dance, music and Theatre are offered. On weekends it plays for family audiences.

Direction Evelyn Geller

Founded in 2009

Age group children 2-11 years | families

Type Theatre with fixed venue

Playsin the visitor promotion All plays for children and young people of the Theatre / plays of guest performances that are in the promotion of visitors


Theater of small form "Alice in Wonderland"
Theatre of small form "Alice in Wonderland"
© Theatre der kleinen Form

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