Theatre LaKritz

Puppet and Figure Theatre | object Theatre | drama

Short portrait The "Theatre LaKritz" was founded by the puppeteers Kristina Feix, Heidrun Warmuth and Nicole Weißbrodt. All three are graduates of the "Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch" in Berlin. The starting point for the lively and entertaining for children and adults is the combination of puppet, acting, object and material Theatre, object and material Theatre. With the character "Maximiliane", Theatre LaKritz created the first serial heroine for children in German-language puppet Theatre. Adaptations of well-known fairy tales and own developments are played. Many pieces in the repertoire are performed by the puppeteer and actress Nicole Weißbrodt solo. With "Nicki and Clarissa" Nicole Weißbrodt also performs a puppet comedy. Nicole Weißbrodt also performs a puppet comedy program for adults.

Direction Nicole Weißbrodt

Foundation 2002

Age group Children 3-6 years | Children 6-11 years | Adults

Type Mobile Theatre in different venues

Plays in the visitor promotion All plays for children and young people of the Theatre


Theater LaKritz Berlin "Hare and Hedgehog
Theatre LaKritz Berlin "Hare and Hedgehog
© Theatre LaKritz Berlin

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