Puppet and Figure Theatre | Drama

Short portrait The "Theatre Logo" is the Theatre of the actress and Theatre pedagogue Heike Ulbrich. As a puppet she leads through her plays and slips into different roles. To the help everyday objects on stage - the stool becomes a throne, the sock becomes a sail throne, the sock becomes a sail, the scrubbing brush becomes a dangerous pirate captain - and the action is and the action is already in full swing. In the style of the childish game, the room, things and the actress are transformed with each scene into a new actress transform into a new fantasy world with each scene. The "Theatre Logo" tells stories that give courage and inspire people to take action.

Direction Heike Ulbrich

Founded in 2006

Age group children 3-6 years | children 6-11 years

Type Mobile Theatre in different venues

Plays in the visitor promotion All plays for children and young people of the Theatre

Contact www.Theatre-logo.de

Theater Logo "Karli Klaubautermann
Theatre Logo "Karli Klaubautermann
© Theatre Logo

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