Puppet and
puppet Theatre | color scheme and shadow play | hand puppet Theatre
Short portrait The "Theatre Mirakulum" offers since 1991 in its own venue
professional puppet Theatre since 1991. The small Theatre with its 75 seats
is appreciated by Berlin's children and adults for its individuality and creative atmosphere.
creative atmosphere. Thomas Mierau, a trained puppeteer with more than
over 40 years of professional experience, has been running the Theatre for over 25 years. The
offers fairy tale adaptations, fable adaptations and everyday stories in the
everyday stories in the play techniques hand puppets, color schemes and shadows.
Furthermore, satires, puppet shows and drama adaptations are performed in the evening program ecertainly for adults.
program ecertainly for adults, such as the well-known production "Goethe's Faust
"Goethe's Faust - as puppet Theatre".
Direction Thomas Mierau
Foundation 1991
Age group Children 2-6 years | Children 6-11 years | Adults
Type Theatre with fixed venue
Plays in the visitor promotion All plays for children and
young people of the Theatre
Contact www.mirakulum.de