Theatre Rafael interspace

Logo | Theater Rafael Interspace
Logo | Theatre Rafael Interspace

Puppet Theatre | Acting | Storytelling | Mime, Mask, Figure Play | Live Drawing

Short portrait The repertoire of the "Theatre Rafael Zwischenraum" includes both puppet Theatre solo programs by Ralf Lücke in open play, as well as productions based on live drawing on the iPad in collaboration with the Prague-based artist Michaela Bartoňová. Alternating between figure play and storytelling and narration, the children find in the language-oriented solo programs identification figures and can be smarter than the actors. The large-scale projection of live-drawn pictures by Michaela Bartoňová provides the background for the play of mime, masks and characters and provides valuable inspiration for imagination and creativity.

Direction Ralf Lücke

Foundation 2005

Age group Children 3-6 years | Children 6 -12 years | Adolescents | Adults

Type Mobile Theatre in various venues

Plays in visitor promotion All plays for children and young people of the Theatre


Theater Rafael Interspace
Theatre Rafael Interspace
© Katharina Stillisch, Sigrid Schubert, Roland Schwerdtfeger

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